Sunday, August 29, 2010

Weekly Update 8/28/10

Monday: with the information that was received from the adoption counselor, we were a little nervous. We had decided to call the birth mom (Meghann) on Tuesday night to talk to her. Well, she beat us to the punch Tuesday morning, calling and talking to Mike for about 90 minutes. The conversation was easy and seemed very natural. That evening when Chris called her to talk again about another 90 minutes went by with them on the phone.

We have had almost daily contact since Tuesday with Meghann and in fact she even sent pictures of her daughter and of herself this week. They are both cute from what you can see in the pictures. Meghann looks like she is all baby, and needless to say looks big with the twins.

The fun of worrying about insurance, time off work, etc begins as well. It is so interesting how employers seem like they never face people asking to have time off for adoption. Mike works at a large University hospital and it seems like it was asking something completely off the wall when he talked to the human resource department. Would it be easier if they offered domestic partner benefits?

The fun also begins with checking out area hotels where we will have to stay for a couple weeks after the birth of the boys. How will we be able to afford the stay? Will the hotels give us any type of discounts? Can we get some friends and family members to donate points, resources they have, etc to help cover the expense?

The fun of also picking out potential names for the boys, we want the names to have good meanings, and then what first name and middle name combination do we use? Whose last name will we use? Both of us will be the last generation to pass on our family name. Does that really matter? We both have people we would like to honor with our family name. Do we do hyphenated names for their last name? That would make a long last name. Do we combine both of our last names and make a new last name?

These are just some of things we are now facing. Oh, I forgot to mention the fact of planning out the nursery for the boys. We want both boys in the same room, so that means repainting the spare room and making that into the nursery since it is a bigger room. It means picking out the colors and getting time to get the painting done. We need to also do some touch up paint to other areas of the house as well as a few other little projects and get them done before the boys come.

We thank you for reading and following our journey to complete our family. We also thank you for all your support and prayers as we take this journey.


  1. This is all very exciting! I can't wait for updates and I thank you for doing that more often. When is (Megann's) due date? You may have said that but I don't remember.
    Take care.
    Your Friend, m.

  2. Got it!
    I'm hoping for the best!
    Take care, m.

  3. Wishing you lots of luck as you connect with your Birthmother. We will keep you guys in our thoughts.

    Best regards,

  4. New to your blog; found you via the IAC boards where we've chatted some. My two cents on the hotel: We stayed at the Marriott Residence Inn, and can't say enough good things about them. It had a small kitchenette so we could cook actual food instead of take out or dragging an infant to restaurants every day. We checked in while Sabrina was still in the hospital and told them next time they saw us we'd have our baby. The clerk took back our key cards saying he needed them for a second, and handed them back saying "I'm sure adoption's expensive; I gave you our largest room for our small room price". Fantastic! Play the adoption card...we've gotten unexpected discounts, and this one helped! We had a two story suite for two weeks for the price of the small room.
